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The super-user creates power-users and sub-users and grants them permissions to use the various resources in the CDP Server.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/users3.png! !users3.png!
All the users and groups in the server are visible for super-users.

Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate sub-users.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/users1.png! !users1.png!
Power-users can not assign permissions to their sub-users if they do not have these permissions themselves.
Power-users can not assign permissions to their sub-users if they do not have these permissions themselves.

Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate Agents.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/users2.png! !users2.png!
A power-user can be an Owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents]. A power-user that creates an Agent is an owner by default.
A power-user can be an Owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents]. A power-user that creates an Agent is an owner by default.

* MySQL Restore

Sub-users can not have permissions that their power-user owners do not have.
!http://youngcopy.net/handynetworks/images_for_confluence/users4.png! !users4.png!
Groups and other users are not visible for sub-users.