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h3. Preparation and Installation
* [What are the major functions and features of the Enterprise Edition?|CDP3:Enterprise Edition]
* [What are the Enterprise Edition System Requirements?|Enterprise Edition System Requirements]
* [How do I migrate from CDP 2.0 to CDP 3.0?|Migration from CDP 2.0 to CDP 3.0 Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I install the Enterprise Trial Edition?|R1Soft Enterprise Edition Trial Guide]
* [What is the safest Deployment? Can I replicate the machine with CDP Server installed on? | Multi-Point Replication]
h5. Linux users:
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Linux CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Agent? |Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
h5. Windows users:
* [How do I determine if my Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit (x86 or x64)?|Checking Windows Bit Version]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Agent?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Agent]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Windows]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Agent?|Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Getting Started
* [How do I access the Enterprise Edition Web Interface?|Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface]
* [How do I activate CDP Enterprise Edition?|Activating CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I access the Dashboard?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [What are Dashboard blocks used for?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [How do I add users?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Users and Groups
* [What should I know about users and user groups?|Users and Groups]
* [How do I add users (in CDP interface)?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add users (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I add users (using Linux API)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I access users?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I change user password (in CDP Interface)?|Changing Password]
* [How do I change user password (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I edit user properties?|Editing User Properties]
* [How can I add an Administrator for a User? |Adding an Administrator for a User]
* [How can I change the User's email? |Changing Email]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|CDP3:Configuring User Options]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I delete users?|Deleting Users]
* [How do I use the "Users" list?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Users" list?|Customizing the Users List]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I access user groups?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I edit group properties?|Editing Group Properties]
* [How do I delete groups?|Deleting Groups]
* [How do I use the "Groups" list?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Groups" list?|Customizing the Groups List]
h3. CDP Agents
* [What should I know about CDP Agents?|CDP Agents]
* [How do I access CDP Agents?|Accessing Agents]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I change CDP Agent properties?|Changing Agents]
* [How do I delete CDP Agents?|Deleting Agents]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Agents" list?|Customizing the Agents List]
h3. Volumes
* [What should I know about Volumes?|Volumes]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I access Volumes?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I change Volumes?|Changing Volumes]
* [How do I assign Users and Groups to a Volume?|Assigning Users and Groups to a Volume]
* [How do I delete Volumes?|Deleting Volumes]
* [How do I import existing Volumes?|Importing Existing Volume]
* [How do I use the "Volumes" list?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Volumes" list?|Customizing the Volumes List]
h3. Disk Safes
* [What should I know about Disk Safes?|Disk Safes]
* [Do you have examples of Disk Safes usage?|Disk Safe Best Practices]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I access Disk Safes?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I edit Disk Safes?|Editing Disk Safes]
* [How do I close Disk Safes?|Closing Disk Safes]
* [How do I open Disk Safes?|Attaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I remove Disk Safes?|Detaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I remove Disk Safes?|Detaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I delete Disk Safes?|ディスク金庫の削除] Safes?|Deleting Disk Safes]
* [How do I copy and move Disk Safes?|Copying and Moving Disk Safes]
* [How do I vacuum Disk Safes?|CDP3:Vacuuming Disk Safes]
* [How do I vacuum Disk Safes?|CDP3:Vacuuming Disk Safes]

* [How do I use the "Disk Safes" list?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Disk Safes" list?|Customizing the Disk Safes List]
h3. Devices
* [What should I know about Devices?|Devices]
* [How do I add Devices?|Adding Devices]
* [How do I access Devices?|Accessing Devices]
* [How do I disable Devices?|Disabling Devices]
* [How do I remove Devices?|Removing Devices]
h3. Data Protection Policies
* [What should I know about Policies?|Policies]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I access Policies?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I edit Policies?|Editing Policies]
* [How do I disable Policies?|Disabling Policies]
* [How do I exclude files and folders from replication?|Excluding Files and Folders]
* [How do I delete Policies?|Deleting Policies]
* [How do I run Policies?|Running Policies]
* [How do I use the "Policies" list?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Policies" list?|Customizing the Policies List]
h3. Hosting Control Panels
* [What should I know about Hosting Control Panels?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels]
* [How do I schedule Control Panel Replication?|Scheduling Control Panel Replication]
* [How do I add Control Panel Instances?|Adding Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I edit Control Panel Instances?|Editing Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I enable Control Panel Instances?|Disabling and Enabling Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I verify Control Panel Instances?|Verifying Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I delete Control Panel Instances?|Deleting Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I access Control Panel Accounts Backup?|Accessing Control Panel Accounts Backups]
* [How do I restore user data?|Sending Control Panel Account Backup to Control Panel Home]
* [How do I download user data?|Downloading Control Panel Users' Data as Archive]
* [Where do I get user data archives?|Getting the URL to the CDP for Control Panel Users]
* [How do I access account backup?|Accessing Your Account Backups via cPanel Plugin]
* [How do I download account backup?|Restoring Your Control Panel Account]
h3. Recovery Points
* [What should I know about Recovery Points?|Recovery Points]
* [How do I access Recovery Points?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I browse Recovery Points?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I lock Recovery Points?|Locking Recovery Points]
* [How do I merge\delete Recovery Points?|Merging Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore or export data from Recovery Points?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I use the "Recovery Points" list?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Recovery Points" list?|Customizing the Recovery Points List]
h3. Archiving
* [What should I know about Archiving?|Archiving]
* [How do I create archiving policy?|Creating Archiving Policies]
* [How do I schedule archiving?|Defining the Archive Schedule]
* [How do I access Archive Points?|Accessing Archive Points]
* [How do I customize the Archive Points list?|Customizing the Archive Points List]
* [How do I browse through files and folders in Archive Points?|Browsing Archive]
* [How do I restore from Archive Points?|Restoring from Archive Points]
* [How do I store Archive Points?|Storing Archives]
* [How do I restore my system configuration from Archive Points?|Bare-Metal Restore of Archive Points]
h3. Task History
* [How do I access running and finished Tasks?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I cancel Tasks?|Canceling Tasks]
* [How do I view Task Summary?|Viewing Task Summary]
* [How do I view Task Alerts?|Viewing Alerts]
* [How do I view Log Messages?|Viewing Log Messages]
* [How do I download Task Details?|Downloading Task Details]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I use the "Task History" list?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Task History" list?|Customizing the Task History List]
h3. Reporting
* [How do I access running and finished Reports?|Accessing Reporting]
* [How do I create a new Report?|Scheduling Email Reporting]
* [How do I edit Report?|Changing Reports]
* [How do I delete Report?|Deleting Reports]
* [How do I disable Report?|Disabling Reports]
* [How do I preview Report?|Previewing Reports]
* [How do I run Report?|Generating Reports]
h3. Databases Add-On
* [How do I enable Databases Add-On?|Enabling Databases Add-On for Agent]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
* [How do I add MySQL Instance to the Policy?|Adding MySQL Instance to the Policy]
* [How do I edit MySQL Instance?|Editing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I enable/disable MySQL Instance?|Enabling and Disabling MySQL Instance]
* [How do I test MySQL Instance Connection?|Testing MySQL Instance Connection]
* [How do I delete MySQL Instance?|Deleting MySQL Instance]
* [How do I browse MySQl Instance?|Browsing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database to an alternate location?|Restoring MySQL Databases to Alternate Locations]
h3. Configuration
* [How do I access the "Configuration" screen in CDP Interface?|Accessing Configuration in CDP Server]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|CDP3:Configuring User Options]
* [How do I reset a Public Key for an Agent?|Resetting Public Key]
* [How do I set Hard and Soft Quotas?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set Task History clean-up?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports in Web Interface?|CDP3:Configuring Web Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports?|Configuring CDP Server Ports]
* [How do I view Server version information?|CDP3:Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I view License information?|Viewing License Information]
* [How do I view system details?|CDP3:Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
h5. Linux users:
* [What should I know about Linux CDP Server configuration?|About Linux CDP Server Configuration]
* [How do I configure Heap memory?|Configuring Heap Memory]
* [How do I change CDP configuration?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Linux Agent Configuration]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Linux Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Linux Agent]
h5. Windows users:
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Server configuration?|About Windows CDP Server Configuration]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Configuration Utility]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the CDP Configuration Utility?|Accessing CDP Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|Launching the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I configure CDP Agent Port in Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|Configuring CDP Agent Port]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Windows Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Windows Agent]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Windows Agent Configuration]
h3. Administrating
* [How do I restart CDP Server?|Restarting CDP Server]
* [How do I restart CDP Agent?|Restarting CDP Agent]
* [How do I run CDP over SSL (HTTPS)?|Running CDP over SSL (HTTPS)]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. API
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I access API documentation? |Accessing API Documentation]
h3. Replicate and Restore
* [How do I create Replication schedule?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I start Replication?|Running Policies]
* [How do I browse Replicas?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore files and folders?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I run Bare-Metal Restore?|Launching Bare-Metal Restore]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I check the restore results?|Viewing Task Summary]
{excerpt:hidden=true}A list of common questions specific to using your R1Soft Linux and Windows CDP Server Enterprise Edition.{excerpt}