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h3. Idera Server Backup Support includes:
* [Technical Support|http://support.r1soft.com] is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Response times are based on severity of the case.
* Live Chat Tech Support at [http://www.idera.com] (Click on LIVE CHAT at the top of the page) 8AM - 6PM CST/CDT (GMT-6) Monday - Friday
* Access to the latest product release [downloads|https://dist.r1soft.com/download/].
If you have a System Down or Restore Emergency please make sure to set the case priority accordingly so it is treated with the correct priority by our teams.
* Access to the latest product release [downloads|https://dist.r1soft.com/download/].
If you have a System Down or Restore Emergency please make sure to set the case priority accordingly so it is treated with the correct priority by our teams.
** * *Restore Emergency* = A critical restore is unsuccessful, but the hardware/software is properly configured and the user has previously had success with the same type of restore in the past.
1. Set 'Type' to Restore Emergency
2. Set 'Priority' to Critical
3. Set 'Severity' to Critical
2. Set 'Priority' to Critical
3. Set 'Severity' to Critical
** * *System Down Emergency* = The product will not run, none of its features can be utilized
1. Set 'Type' to Tech Support
2. Set 'Priority' to System Down Emergency
2. Set 'Priority' to System Down Emergency

h3. Creating a Support Portal Login
If you do not already have a login for the technical support portal, you may complete the registration form [here|http://www.idera.com/support/RegisterCustomerSbu.aspx]. A login account and password will be emailed once your current support maintenance plan has been confirmed. To get a status on your support plan, please email [mailto:renewals@idera.com].
h3. Log In

* *Escalated* \- Indicates that the case is currently being reviewed by Development. *NOTE* When you add a comment to your case, the portal will automatically change the status from 'Escalated' to 'R1 Soft Investigating' in order to alert the support engineer that a comment was added. Development may not be able to review the case while it is in an investigating status.
* *Reopened* \- Indicates that the case was closed, but is currently open and active.
* *Reopened* \- Indicates that the case was closed, but is currently open and active.
* *Waiting for Customer* \- Indicates that the customer has the next action item.
* *5-day Follow up* \- Indicates that the case has been in the "Waiting for Customer" stage for longer than 3 days and will be closed within 5 days from the time the Status changed.
* *Awaiting Product Fix* \- Indicates that Idera Server Backup Support will notify the customer once a fixed version is released (this may also indicate that a feature request has been submitted to Development).
* *Awaiting Product Fix* \- Indicates that Idera Server Backup Support will notify the customer once a fixed version is released (this may also indicate that a feature request has been submitted to Development).

* Choose one of these buttons to submit the case to Idera Server Backup Technical Support, add an attachment after submitting or cancel the request without saving the information already entered.
{info:title=Note}Case attachments are limited to 5 MB per file and 10 MB total, per case. For larger attachments, please click on the "Attachments" tab and complete the form to upload your attachments. It is very important to enter your case number into the form so that there is no delay in processing your attachments.

As shown above, the "Case Comments" section displays correspondence between you and the Technical Support Engineer. You may add new comments by clicking the "Add Comment" button. You do not need to click the "Edit" button at the top of the page in order to add comments. You may also add new attachments by clicking the "Attach file" button or by using the "Attachments" tab at the top of the page. The following shows how to edit/add a comment after clicking the "Add Comment" button.
{info:title=Note} The Customer Support Portal will send you an automated email to notify you when comments or other changes have been made to your case by the Idera Server Backup Technical Support Team. If you are relying on emails for case update notification, please, add *support-inbound@r1soft.com* to your email spam filter's "allowed" list.

As shown above, you may enter free text comments after you have clicked the "Add Comment" button. Once you have entered your comment, click "Save." Click "Cancel" to discard your comments from this screen.
h3. Close Case

{info:title=Note}All notification emails generated by the Customer Support Portal will be sent from the email address *support-inbound@r1soft.com*. Replies to notification emails are not monitored when sent to support-inbound@r1soft.com. To reply, please, login at [http://support.r1soft.com] and update your case with a new comment.