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h3. R1Soft Server Backup Support includes:

3. *Priority* (Required)
* *1 - System Down Emergency* \- Choose this option if the product is entirely non-functional and immediate assistance is required.
* *1 - System Down Emergency* \- Choose this option if the product is entirely non-functional and immediate assistance is required.
* *2 - Critical* \- Choose this option if a major feature is non-functional and impacts many users.
* *3 - High* \- Choose this option if a feature is non-functional and impacts many users.
* *4 - Medium* (default) - Choose this option for full or intermittent failures impacting a moderate number of users.
* *5 - Feature Request* \- Choose this option to submit a feature request.
* *5 - Feature Request* \- Choose this option to submit a feature request.