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h3. Preparation and Installation
* [What are the major functions and features of the Enterprise Edition?|Enterprise Edition]
* [What are the Enterprise Edition System Requirements?|System Requirements]
* [How do I install the Enterprise Trial Edition?|R1Soft Enterprise Edition Trial Guide]
* [What is the safest Deployment? Can I replicate the machine with CDP Server installed on? |Multi-Point Replication]
h5. Linux users:
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Linux CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Agent? |Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
h5. Windows users:
* [How do I determine if my Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit (x86 or x64)?|Checking Windows Bit Version]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Agent?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Agent]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Windows Manually]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Windows]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Agent?|Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Getting Started
* [How do I access the Enterprise Edition Web Interface?|Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface]
* [How do I activate CDP Enterprise Edition?|Activating CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I access the Dashboard?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [What are Dashboard blocks used for?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [How do I add users?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Users and Groups
* [What should I know about users and user groups?|Users and Groups]
* [How do I add users (in CDP interface)?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add users (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I add users (using Linux API)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I access users?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I change user password (in CDP Interface)?|Changing Password]
* [How do I change user password (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I edit user properties?|Editing User Properties]
* [How can I add an Administrator for a User? |Adding an Administrator for a User]
* [How can I change the User's email? |Changing Email]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|Configuring User Options]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I delete users?|Deleting Users]
* [How do I use the "Users" list?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Users" list?|Customizing the Users List]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I access user groups?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I edit group properties?|Editing Group Properties]
* [How do I delete groups?|Deleting Groups]
* [How do I use the "Groups" list?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Groups" list?|Customizing the Groups List]
h3. CDP Agents
* [What should I know about CDP Agents?|CDP Agents]
* [How do I access CDP Agents?|Accessing Agents]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I change CDP Agent properties?|Changing Agents]
* [How do I delete CDP Agents?|Deleting Agents]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Agents" list?|Customizing the Agents List]
h3. Volumes
* [What should I know about Volumes?|Volumes]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I access Volumes?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I change Volumes?|Changing Volumes]
* [How do I assign Users and Groups to a Volume?|Assigning Users and Groups to a Volume]
* [How do I delete Volumes?|Deleting Volumes]
* [How do I import existing Volumes?|Importing Existing Volume]
* [How do I use the "Volumes" list?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Volumes" list?|Customizing the Volumes List]
h3. Disk Safes
* [What should I know about Disk Safes?|Disk Safes]
* [Do you have examples of Disk Safes usage?|Disk Safe Best Practices]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I access Disk Safes?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I edit Disk Safes?|Editing Disk Safes]
* [How do I close Disk Safes?|Closing Disk Safes]
* [How do I open Disk Safes?|Attaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I remove Disk Safes?|Detaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I delete Disk Safes?|Deleting Disk Safes]
* [How do I copy and move Disk Safes?|Copying and Moving Disk Safes]
* [How do I vacuum Disk Safes?|Vacuuming Disk Safes]
* [How do I store Disk Safe on disk-based storages and Network Shares?|Storing Disk Safe on a Windows Network Share]
* [How do I use the "Disk Safes" list?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Disk Safes" list?|Customizing the Disk Safes List]
h3. Devices
* [What should I know about Devices?|Devices]
* [How do I add Devices?|Adding Devices]
* [How do I access Devices?|Accessing Devices]
* [How do I disable Devices?|Disabling Devices]
* [How do I remove Devices?|Removing Devices]
h3. Data Protection Policies
* [What should I know about Policies?|Policies]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I access Policies?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I edit Policies?|Editing Policies]
* [How do I disable Policies?|Disabling Policies]
* [How do I exclude files and folders from replication?|Excluding Files and Folders]
* [How do I delete Policies?|Deleting Policies]
* [How do I run Policies?|Running Policies]
* [How do I use the "Policies" list?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Policies" list?|Customizing the Policies List]
h3. Hosting Control Panels
* [What should I know about Hosting Control Panels?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels]
* [How do I schedule Control Panel Replication?|Scheduling Control Panel Replication]
* [How do I add Control Panel Instances?|Adding Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I edit Control Panel Instances?|Editing Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I enable Control Panel Instances?|Disabling and Enabling Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I verify Control Panel Instances?|Verifying Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I delete Control Panel Instances?|Deleting Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I access Control Panel Accounts Backup?|Accessing Control Panel Account Backups]
* [How do I restore user data?|Sending Control Panel Account Backup to Control Panel Home]
* [How do I download user data?|Downloading Control Panel Users' Data as Archive]
* [Where do I get user data archives?|Getting the URL to CDP for Control Panel Users]
* [How do I access account backup?|Accessing Your Account Backups via cPanel Plugin]
* [How do I download account backup?|Restoring Your Control Panel Account]
h3. Recovery Points
* [What should I know about Recovery Points?|Recovery Points]
* [How do I access Recovery Points?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I browse Recovery Points?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I lock Recovery Points?|Locking Recovery Points]
* [How do I merge\delete Recovery Points?|Merging Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore or export data from Recovery Points?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I use the "Recovery Points" list?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Recovery Points" list?|Customizing the Recovery Points List]
h3. Archiving
* [What should I know about Archiving?|Archiving]
* [How do I create archiving policy?|Creating Archiving Policies]
* [How do I schedule archiving?|Defining the Archive Schedule]
* [How do I access Archive Points?|Accessing Archive Points]
* [How do I customize the Archive Points list?|Customizing the Archive Points List]
* [How do I browse through files and folders in Archive Points?|Browsing Archive]
* [How do I restore from Archive Points?|Restoring from Archive Points]
* [How do I store Archive Points?|Storing Archives]
* [How do I restore my system configuration from Archive Points?|Bare-Metal Restore of Archive Points]
h3. Task History
* [How do I access running and finished Tasks?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I cancel Tasks?|Canceling Tasks]
* [How do I view Task Summary?|Viewing Task Summary]
* [How do I view Task Alerts?|Viewing Alerts]
* [How do I view Log Messages?|Viewing Log Messages]
* [How do I download Task Details?|Downloading Task Details]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I use the "Task History" list?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Task History" list?|Customizing the Task History List]
h3. Reporting
* [How do I access running and finished Reports?|Accessing Reporting]
* [How do I create a new Report?|Scheduling Email Reporting]
* [How do I edit Report?|Changing Reports]
* [How do I delete Report?|Deleting Reports]
* [How do I disable Report?|Disabling Reports]
* [How do I preview Report?|Previewing Reports]
* [How do I run Report?|Generating Reports]
h3. Databases Add-On
* [How do I enable Databases Add-On?|Enabling Databases Add-On for Agent]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
* [How do I add MySQL Instance to the Policy?|Adding a MySQL Instance to a Policy]
* [How do I edit MySQL Instance?|Editing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I enable/disable MySQL Instance?|Enabling and Disabling MySQL Instance]
* [How do I test MySQL Instance Connection?|Testing MySQL Instance Connection]
* [How do I delete MySQL Instance?|Deleting MySQL Instance]
* [How do I browse MySQl Instance?|Browsing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database to an alternate location?|Restoring MySQL Databases to Alternate Locations]
h3. Configuration
* [How do I access the "Configuration" screen in CDP Interface?|Accessing Configuration in CDP Server]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|Configuring User Options]
* [How do I reset a Public Key for an Agent?|Resetting Public Key]
* [How do I set Hard and Soft Quotas?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set Task History clean-up?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports in Web Interface?|Configuring Web Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports?|Configuring CDP Server Ports]
* [How do I view Server version information?|Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I view License information?|Viewing License Information]
* [How do I view system details?|Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
h5. Linux users:
* [What should I know about Linux CDP Server configuration?|About Linux CDP Server Configuration]
* [How do I configure Heap memory?|Configuring Heap Memory]
* [How do I change CDP configuration?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Linux Agent Configuration]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Linux Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Linux Agent]
h5. Windows users:
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Server configuration?|About Windows CDP Server Configuration]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Configuration Utility]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the CDP Configuration Utility?|Accessing CDP Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|Launching the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I configure CDP Agent Port in Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|Configuring CDP Agent Port]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Windows Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Windows Agent]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Windows Agent Configuration]
h3. Administrating
* [How do I restart CDP Server?|Restarting CDP Server]
* [How do I restart CDP Agent?|Restarting CDP Agent]
* [How do I restart CDP Agent?|Restarting CDP Agent]
* [How do I run CDP over SSL (HTTPS)?|(Depricated. Do Not Use) Running CDP over SSL (HTTPS)]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]

* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. API
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I access API documentation? |Accessing API Documentation]
h3. Replicate and Restore
* [How do I create Replication schedule?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I start Replication?|Running Policies]
* [How do I browse Replicas?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore files and folders?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I run Bare-Metal Restore?|Launching Bare-Metal Restore]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I check the restore results?|Viewing Task Summary]
{excerpt:hidden=true}A list of common questions specific to using your R1Soft Linux and Windows CDP Server Enterprise Edition.{excerpt}
Below is a list of common questions specific to using your R1Soft CDP Service Provider (Enterprise) Edition. Each set of questions is categorized for you to quickly find what you need. Each question is linked to a document for further information.
h3. Preparation and Installation
* [What are the major functions and features of the Enterprise Edition?|Enterprise Edition]
* [What are the Enterprise Edition System Requirements?|System Requirements]
* [How do I install the Enterprise Trial Edition?|R1Soft Enterprise Edition Trial Guide]
* [What is the safest Deployment? Can I replicate the machine with CDP Server installed on? |Multi-Point Replication]
h5. Linux users:
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Linux CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Linux]
* [How do I upgrade Agent? |Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
h5. Windows users:
* [How do I determine if my Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit (x86 or x64)?|Checking Windows Bit Version]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Enterprise Edition?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I obtain the CDP Agent?|Obtaining Windows CDP Enterprise Agent]
* [How do I install Enterprise Edition?|Installing Enterprise Edition on Windows Manually]
* [How do I install Agent?|Installing Agent on Windows]
* [How do I configure Enterprise Edition after installation?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Enterprise Edition?|Upgrading Enterprise Edition for Windows]
* [How do I upgrade Agent?|Upgrading Enterprise Agent for Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Getting Started
* [How do I access the Enterprise Edition Web Interface?|Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface]
* [How do I activate CDP Enterprise Edition?|Activating CDP Enterprise Edition]
* [How do I access the Dashboard?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [What are Dashboard blocks used for?|Using Enterprise Edition Dashboard]
* [How do I add users?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. Users and Groups
* [What should I know about users and user groups?|Users and Groups]
* [How do I add users (in CDP interface)?|Adding Users]
* [How do I add users (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I add users (using Linux API)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I access users?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I change user password (in CDP Interface)?|Changing Password]
* [How do I change user password (in Windows CDP Configuration Utility)?|Setting CDP Server Users]
* [How do I edit user properties?|Editing User Properties]
* [How can I add an Administrator for a User? |Adding an Administrator for a User]
* [How can I change the User's email? |Changing Email]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|Configuring User Options]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I delete users?|Deleting Users]
* [How do I use the "Users" list?|Accessing Users]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Users" list?|Customizing the Users List]
* [How do I add user groups?|Adding Groups]
* [How do I access user groups?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I edit group properties?|Editing Group Properties]
* [How do I delete groups?|Deleting Groups]
* [How do I use the "Groups" list?|Accessing Groups]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Groups" list?|Customizing the Groups List]
h3. CDP Agents
* [What should I know about CDP Agents?|CDP Agents]
* [How do I access CDP Agents?|Accessing Agents]
* [How do I add the Agent to the CDP Server?|Adding the Agent to the CDP Server]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Linux Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Windows Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I change CDP Agent properties?|Changing Agents]
* [How do I delete CDP Agents?|Deleting Agents]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Agents" list?|Customizing the Agents List]
h3. Volumes
* [What should I know about Volumes?|Volumes]
* [How do I create Volumes?|Creating Volumes]
* [How do I access Volumes?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I change Volumes?|Changing Volumes]
* [How do I assign Users and Groups to a Volume?|Assigning Users and Groups to a Volume]
* [How do I delete Volumes?|Deleting Volumes]
* [How do I import existing Volumes?|Importing Existing Volume]
* [How do I use the "Volumes" list?|Accessing Volumes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Volumes" list?|Customizing the Volumes List]
h3. Disk Safes
* [What should I know about Disk Safes?|Disk Safes]
* [Do you have examples of Disk Safes usage?|Disk Safe Best Practices]
* [How do I create Disk Safes?|Creating Disk Safes]
* [How do I access Disk Safes?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I edit Disk Safes?|Editing Disk Safes]
* [How do I close Disk Safes?|Closing Disk Safes]
* [How do I open Disk Safes?|Attaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I remove Disk Safes?|Detaching Disk Safes]
* [How do I delete Disk Safes?|Deleting Disk Safes]
* [How do I copy and move Disk Safes?|Copying and Moving Disk Safes]
* [How do I vacuum Disk Safes?|Vacuuming Disk Safes]
* [How do I store Disk Safe on disk-based storages and Network Shares?|Storing Disk Safe on a Windows Network Share]
* [How do I use the "Disk Safes" list?|Accessing Disk Safes]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Disk Safes" list?|Customizing the Disk Safes List]
h3. Devices
* [What should I know about Devices?|Devices]
* [How do I add Devices?|Adding Devices]
* [How do I access Devices?|Accessing Devices]
* [How do I disable Devices?|Disabling Devices]
* [How do I remove Devices?|Removing Devices]
h3. Data Protection Policies
* [What should I know about Policies?|Policies]
* [How do I create Policies?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I access Policies?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I edit Policies?|Editing Policies]
* [How do I disable Policies?|Disabling Policies]
* [How do I exclude files and folders from replication?|Excluding Files and Folders]
* [How do I delete Policies?|Deleting Policies]
* [How do I run Policies?|Running Policies]
* [How do I use the "Policies" list?|Accessing Policies]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Policies" list?|Customizing the Policies List]
h3. Hosting Control Panels
* [What should I know about Hosting Control Panels?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels]
* [How do I schedule Control Panel Replication?|Scheduling Control Panel Replication]
* [How do I add Control Panel Instances?|Adding Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I edit Control Panel Instances?|Editing Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I enable Control Panel Instances?|Disabling and Enabling Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I verify Control Panel Instances?|Verifying Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I delete Control Panel Instances?|Deleting Control Panel Instances]
* [How do I access Control Panel Accounts Backup?|Accessing Control Panel Account Backups]
* [How do I restore user data?|Sending Control Panel Account Backup to Control Panel Home]
* [How do I download user data?|Downloading Control Panel Users' Data as Archive]
* [Where do I get user data archives?|Getting the URL to CDP for Control Panel Users]
* [How do I access account backup?|Accessing Your Account Backups via cPanel Plugin]
* [How do I download account backup?|Restoring Your Control Panel Account]
h3. Recovery Points
* [What should I know about Recovery Points?|Recovery Points]
* [How do I access Recovery Points?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I browse Recovery Points?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I lock Recovery Points?|Locking Recovery Points]
* [How do I merge\delete Recovery Points?|Merging Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore or export data from Recovery Points?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I use the "Recovery Points" list?|Accessing Recovery Points]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Recovery Points" list?|Customizing the Recovery Points List]
h3. Archiving
* [What should I know about Archiving?|Archiving]
* [How do I create archiving policy?|Creating Archiving Policies]
* [How do I schedule archiving?|Defining the Archive Schedule]
* [How do I access Archive Points?|Accessing Archive Points]
* [How do I customize the Archive Points list?|Customizing the Archive Points List]
* [How do I browse through files and folders in Archive Points?|Browsing Archive]
* [How do I restore from Archive Points?|Restoring from Archive Points]
* [How do I store Archive Points?|Storing Archives]
* [How do I restore my system configuration from Archive Points?|Bare-Metal Restore of Archive Points]
h3. Task History
* [How do I access running and finished Tasks?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I cancel Tasks?|Canceling Tasks]
* [How do I view Task Summary?|Viewing Task Summary]
* [How do I view Task Alerts?|Viewing Alerts]
* [How do I view Log Messages?|Viewing Log Messages]
* [How do I download Task Details?|Downloading Task Details]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I use the "Task History" list?|Accessing Task History]
* [How do I customize, filter, and sort the "Task History" list?|Customizing the Task History List]
h3. Reporting
* [How do I access running and finished Reports?|Accessing Reporting]
* [How do I create a new Report?|Scheduling Email Reporting]
* [How do I edit Report?|Changing Reports]
* [How do I delete Report?|Deleting Reports]
* [How do I disable Report?|Disabling Reports]
* [How do I preview Report?|Previewing Reports]
* [How do I run Report?|Generating Reports]
h3. Databases Add-On
* [How do I enable Databases Add-On?|Enabling Databases Add-On for Agent]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
* [How do I add MySQL Instance to the Policy?|Adding a MySQL Instance to a Policy]
* [How do I edit MySQL Instance?|Editing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I enable/disable MySQL Instance?|Enabling and Disabling MySQL Instance]
* [How do I test MySQL Instance Connection?|Testing MySQL Instance Connection]
* [How do I delete MySQL Instance?|Deleting MySQL Instance]
* [How do I browse MySQl Instance?|Browsing MySQL Instance]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database to an alternate location?|Restoring MySQL Databases to Alternate Locations]
h3. Configuration
* [How do I access the "Configuration" screen in CDP Interface?|Accessing Configuration in CDP Server]
* [How do I change admin login name and password?|Configuring User Options]
* [How do I reset a Public Key for an Agent?|Resetting Public Key]
* [How do I set Hard and Soft Quotas?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set Task History clean-up?|Configuring Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports in Web Interface?|Configuring Web Server Options]
* [How do I set HTTP and HTTPS ports?|Configuring CDP Server Ports]
* [How do I view Server version information?|Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I view License information?|Viewing License Information]
* [How do I view system details?|Viewing Server Information]
* [How do I use the "Task Scheduler"?|Accessing Task Scheduler]
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I configure Databases (MySQL) Add-On Options?|Installing the MySQL Connector JDBC into CDP3 Server]
h5. Linux users:
* [What should I know about Linux CDP Server configuration?|About Linux CDP Server Configuration]
* [How do I configure Heap memory?|Configuring Heap Memory]
* [How do I change CDP configuration?|Configuring Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Linux Agent Configuration]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Linux Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Linux Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Linux Agent]
h5. Windows users:
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Server configuration?|About Windows CDP Server Configuration]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Configuration Utility]
* [What should I know about Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|About Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the CDP Configuration Utility?|Accessing CDP Configuration Utility]
* [How do I launch the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility?|Launching the Windows CDP Agent Configuration Utility]
* [How do I change the Windows User to run the CDP Server as?|Configuring CDP Server "Run Service As" Account]
* [How do I configure CDP Agent Port in Windows CDP Configuration Utility?|Configuring CDP Agent Port]
* [How do I add the Server Key to Agent?|Adding the Server Key to Windows Agent]
* [How do I view server keys installed on Agent?|Viewing Server Keys Installed on Windows Agent]
* [How do I uninstall the server key from Agent?|Uninstall the Server Key from Windows Agent]
* [How do I change Agent configuration?|Changing Windows Agent Configuration]
h3. Administrating
* [How do I restart CDP Server?|Restarting CDP Server]
* [How do I restart CDP Agent?|Restarting CDP Agent]
* [How do I run CDP over SSL (HTTPS)?|Running CDP over SSL (HTTPS)]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Agent? |Uninstalling Agent on Linux]
* [How do I uninstall Enterprise Edition?|Uninstalling Enterprise Edition on Windows]
* [How do I uninstall Agent?|Uninstalling Agent on Windows]
h3. API
* [How do I configure API Server Options?|Configuring API Server Options]
* [How do I access API documentation? |Accessing API Documentation]
h3. Replicate and Restore
* [How do I create Replication schedule?|Creating Policies]
* [How do I start Replication?|Running Policies]
* [How do I browse Replicas?|Browsing Recovery Points]
* [How do I restore files and folders?|Restoring Files]
* [How do I run Bare-Metal Restore?|Launching Bare-Metal Restore]
* [How do I restore a MySQL Database?|Restoring a MySQL Database]
* [How do I check the restore results?|Viewing Task Summary]
{excerpt:hidden=true}A list of common questions specific to using your R1Soft Linux and Windows CDP Service Provider (Enterprise) Edition.{excerpt}{newversion}