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{info:title=Tip}To find a Task, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [Customizing the Task History List].
3. Select the necessary tab in the Details pane in the right bottom part of the screen. The available list of tabs depends on the type of the selected task. The following tabs are common for all task types:
* *Summary -* Accumulates general information about the task including verbose status and statistics. If the task is running, displays the progress bar and performance.
* *Alerts -* Contains Alerts that occurred during Task run. See [Viewing Alerts|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Viewing+Alerts].
* *Alerts -* Contains Alerts that occurred during Task run. See [Viewing Alerts|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Viewing+Alerts].

h3. Summary Tab of a Finished Task
The following example provides the list of fields displayed on the "Summary" tab of a finished Data Protection Policy task.
h6. "Merge Recovery Points Summary" Block
h6. "Summary" Block
The first block indicates whether replication policy is completed successfully or with alerts; shows the number of replicated and failed devices.

h6. "Statistics" Block
* *Merge Run Time* \- Indicates total amount of merge performance time in hours, minutes, and seconds.
* *Total Deltas* *Deleted* \- Shows the ratio of deleted Deltas.
* *Average Speed* \- The average speed of the merge.
* *Average Speed* \- Provides the average speed of the operation.
* *Total Compressed Size*.

The following example provides the list of fields displayed on the "Summary" tab of a running Restore Files task.
h6. "File rRestore Summary" Block
* *State* \- Graphically indicates the current State of the Task. The state can change over time. Move the mouse pointer over it to display a yellow tool tip that informs you of what the icon indicates. A Task can be in one (1) of the following states:
** *Queued* \- The Task is waiting and will run as soon as more resources are available.
If Agent the backup agent is busy, the Tasks are queued, not rejected.
** *Running* \- The Task is currently in progress.
** *Finished* \- The Task has completed successfully and without errors.
** *Finished* \- The Task has completed successfully and without errors.

** *Duplicate* \- There is a duplicate scheduled Task in the queue.
* *Files Restored* \- Amount of files restored out of total volume. For a {color:#000000}visualization purposes the indicator bar is presented.{color}
* *Files Restored* \- Amount of files restored out of total volume. For a {color:#000000}visualization purposes the indicator bar is presented.{color}
* *Files Failed* \- Amount of files have not been restored due to a different reasons.