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View Page History| *Release Date:* | _06/14/2016_ *REMOVED* 06/21/2016 |
| *Build Date:* | 06/02/2016 06/15/2016 |
| *Linux Manager/Agent Build Version:* | 5.14.3 build 428 430 |
| *Windows Agent Build Version:* | 5.14.3 build 428 430 \\ |
{note:title=SBM 5.14.3 build 428 Removed from Publication}
On June 14, 2016, we released Server Backup Manager 5.14 for General Availability to all R1Soft partners. We have been made aware of what we consider to be a significant issue with this latest release. In light of our concerns, we have decided to remove the release from publication in order to ensure that our partners have the best possible experience with our products. We will republish a new SBM 5.14 release as soon as possible.
On June 14, 2016 we released Server Backup Manager 5.14 for General Availability to all R1Soft partners. We were made aware of a significant issue which impacted Policies utilizing the MySQL Add-on. The SBM 5.14.3 build 430 was released to address this issue.
This issue is centered around the conversion of the internal Disk Safe format. During the conversion process, specific meta data created by the MySQL Database Add-on is improperly stored in the Disk Safe. This issue prevents access to the “Browse Database” function for pre-existing recovery points.
We have identified and fixed this issue, and our Quality Engineering team is currently validating the change. *We do not recommend downgrading your SBM to 5.12.1.* This issue will be resolved with a new publication of a 5.14 release.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@r1soft.com.
We have identified and fixed this issue, and our Quality Engineering team is currently validating the change. *We do not recommend downgrading your SBM to 5.12.1.* This issue will be resolved with a new publication of a 5.14 release.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@r1soft.com.
If your systems were impacted by this issue, then please contact [R1Soft Support|mailto:support@r1soft.com] for remediation assistance.

This release introduces significant changes to the Disk Safe format which are incompatible with previous releases. *R1Soft can not support product downgrades with this release.*
The Disk Safe conversion process is automatic upon upgrade. During the upgrade process, Disk Safes will remain offline until they are individually converted. Once converted, the Disk Safe will be automatically re-opened for normal operations. Overall SBM performance will be significantly impacted as while the Disk Safes are upgraded. Do not stop or restart any of the R1Soft processes during this upgrade unless specifically advised to do so by R1Soft Support.
*Please ensure that your Disk Safe storage devices have sufficient free space before proceeding with the upgrade. A minimum of 10GB plus any additional free space needed for normal operations is required.*

h5. Server Backup Manager
This release introduces significant changes to the Disk Safe backup storage system. Following the software update, Disk Safes will be converted automatically upon startup or when imported into the SBM. This may result in longer than expected SBM startup times immediately following the update. Additionally, *Disk Safes will be closed until they are individually converted.* Once converted each Disk Safe will automatically re-open and resume normal operations. *Please allow this process to complete without interruption. Restarting the SBM during this process will significantly delay the overall transition.* Additionally:
* A single active conversion process may require up to 1 GB of free storage space. *Disk Safe conversions are processed in batches of 10 at a time.*
* Disk Safes running under 5.14 are not backwards compatible with previous SBM versions.
* Disk Safes running under 5.14 are not backwards compatible with previous SBM versions.
* During the Disk Safe update, the ratio of deltas to on-disk size may be temporarily elevated, but will normalize after a few minutes.
{info:title=Disk Safe "docstore" Process}