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MySQL is the world's most used open source relational database management system. It runs as a server, providing multi-user access to a number of databases. Requirements for protecting MySQL databases are provided below.
| *MySQL Versions* | {info:title=Note}Support for MySQL v8.0.30\+ is limited to Server Backup Manager and Agent versions 6.16.5 and newer. \\ \\ \\
\\ {info}
{note}Best {note}Optimal results will be obtained by restoring databases back to the original instance, or to an alternate instance with an identical MySQL version. \\
The database restore functionality is not meant to be used as a databse migration tool to dis-simlar versions.\\
The database restore functionality is not meant to be used as a database migration tool to dis-similar versions. \\
Metadata / schema updates are commonly required when restoring to a newer MySQL version, which can cause the restore to fail result in failure when certain configuration options are used. {note}
Any MySQL release version 5.X or newer, including:
* MySQL Community Server
* MySQL Community Server