Label: add

Content with label add in CDP (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: groups, users, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, standard_edition, disk_safes, devices

Page: Adding an Administrator for a User
Follow the instructions below to add an Administrator for a User account in CDP. 1. Click on "Users" in the Main Menu. !mainmenuent.png! 2. In the "Users" list, find the appropriate User and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this User. !92.png! To find a User ...
Other labels: advanced_edition, enterprise_edition, users
Page: Adding Devices
Policy can replicate data on Devices assigned to the Disk Safe selected for this Policy. Follow the instructions below to add Device(s) to the Disk Safe in CDP. 1. Access the "Devices" tab of the "Edit Disk Safe" window. For the detailed instructions see Accessing ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, devices
Page: Adding Groups
Follow the instructions below to create a new User group in CDP. Only Super Users have a right to add new Groups into the system. 1. Click on "Groups" in the Main Menu. !maingroupent.png! 2. In the "Groups" menu, click on "Create New Group ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, groups
Page: Adding Users
Follow the instructions given below to create a new User account in CDP. SuperUsers always have the ability to add new Users into the system. A Normal User may be able to add new Users if the corresponding option is checked for the User. 1. Click ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, users
Page: Attaching Disk Safes
All data necessary for a restore is kept in Disk Safes Disk Safes. On a physical level, a Disk Safe is a folder containing files/folders. You can change a Disk Safe's path by manually copying its folder to the other location. In this case ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, disk_safes