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View Page Historyh2. Mounting VHD Volumes
Mounting a volume means assigning an alphabetical identifier to it.
{info:title=Note} You need to mount the VHD volume in order to browse its files and folders. See [Exploring VHD Volumes|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Exploring+VHD+Volumes].
Follow the instructions below to mount a VHD volume.
Follow the instructions below to mount a VHD volume.
{info:title=Note} You need to mount the VHD volume in order to browse it's files and folders. See [Exploring VHD Volumes|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Exploring+VHD+Volumes]. {info}
Follow the instructions below to mount a VHD volume.
Follow the instructions below to mount a VHD volume.
1. [Launch the R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer| http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Launching+Hyper-V+VHD+Explorer].

3. In the right pane, right-click a Volume contained in a mounted VHD. Select the "Mount" menu option from the appeared menu.
In the appeared pop-up window, you can select one of the following options:
In the appeared pop-up window, you can select one of the following options:
* *Assign the following drive letter* - \- Allows you to associate the selected drive letter to the Volume.
* *Mount the following empty NTFS folder* - \- Allows you to associate an empty directory to the Volume.
4.1 If you have chosen the first option, then select a drive letter from the drop-down menu.
4.2 If you have chosen the second option, then click "Browse..."
In the appeared window browse your PC and select an existing empty folder.
_*Or*_ *_\-Or\-_*
Using the "Make New Folder" button create a new folder in the desired place.
Then click "OK" to close the "Browse for Folder" window.
The path to the selected folder will appear in the folder field.
5. Once the option is selected and the drive letter/folder is specified, click "OK."
6. Then that drive letter appears in front of the appropriate volume in the "Drive/Path" column in the right pane.
!13.png!{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to mount VHD volumes.{excerpt}