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* *Exclude Type -* Graphically shows a type of the Exclude rule:
** *Selected -* Shows files and folders that were selected to exclude in the "File and Folder Excludes" tab of the Policy window. See more in [Excluding [Exclude files and folders in Data Center Console]. DCC].
** *Advanced* \- Shows advanced exclude rules that are defined in the "Advanced Excludes" tab of the Policy window to exclude files and folders on the basis of the mask ("pattern"). See more in [Excluding [Exclude files and folders in Data Center Console]. DCC].
* *Recursive* \- If enabled, the exclude rule will be applied not only to the root folder files, but also to the files from sub-folders. Used only for advanced excludes.
* *Exclude Pattern* \- Depending on the type, in this column you can see files and folders to exclude or exclude mask.
* *Exclude Pattern* \- Depending on the type, in this column you can see files and folders to exclude or exclude mask.
See also: [Excluding files and folders in Data Center Console].
See also: [Exclude files and folders in DCC].
{info:title=Tip}You can filter the items shown on the tab by Exclude Type. Use the checkboxes at the top of the tab.