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View Page HistoryBefore you can begin protecting and restoring MySQL databases, you will need to add the MySQL Connector/JDBC (also known as MySQL Connector/J) to your Server Backup Manager installation.
These instructions will guide you in how to install this file into your Server Backup environment.
Use the following steps to install this file into your Server Backup Manager environment.
1. Go to the MySQL website:
2. Under the "Connector/J 5.1.22" heading, click the download link for the file called:
* Windows: {{mysql-connector-java-5.X.XX.zip}}
* Windows: {{mysql-connector-java-5.X.XX.zip}}

The following steps are described in [Add a MySQL instance to a policy].
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to add the MySQL Connector to your Server Backup Manager installation.{excerpt}