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View Page HistoryFollow the instructions below in your Server Backup Manager to add and configure an Exchange instance on the Policy.
1. Select the "Exchange" tab in the Policy window. You can do this while [creating a new Policy|Create policies] as shown below.
1. Select the _Exchange_ tab in the _[Edit Policy|ServerBackupManager:Edit policies]_ or _[Create New Policy|ServerBackupManager:Create policies]_ window. !Create New Policy - Exchange.png|border=1!
!Create New Policy_Exchange Tab_English.png!
You can also select the "Exchange" tab in the "Edit Policy" window after the Policy has been saved, and even while it is running. See [Edit policies].
!Edit Policy_Exchange Tab_English.png!
2. On the "Exchange" tab of the "Create New Policy"/"Edit Policy" window, define the following options:
You can also select the "Exchange" tab in the "Edit Policy" window after the Policy has been saved, and even while it is running. See [Edit policies].
!Edit Policy_Exchange Tab_English.png!
2. On the "Exchange" tab of the "Create New Policy"/"Edit Policy" window, define the following options:
2. On the _Exchange_ tab of the _Create New Policy_/_Edit Policy_ window, define the following options:
* *Backup All Exchange Instances* \- Enable Select this check- box to perform Exchange database replication.
* *Verify Exchange* \- Indicates whether to perform a database consistency check. The following values are available in the drop-down list:
** *Never Verify* \- Does not verify after backups. This option is selected by default. It is the recommended value for MS Exchange 2010.
** *Always Verify* \- Verifies after every backup.
** *Never Verify* \- Does not verify after backups. This option is selected by default. It is the recommended value for MS Exchange 2010.
** *Always Verify* \- Verifies after every backup.
** *After Every X Successful Backup* \- Verifies all backups after several backups complete successfully (the number of successful backups is specified in the "_Verify Exchange Frequency"_ field).
* *Verify Exchange Frequency* \- Specifies how often the verifications must be done. For example, if you enter *5* in this field, the Exchange is verified after every 5 backups.
3. In the _Create New Policy_ window, click the *Create* button to create the policy, or click the *Create and Run* button to create the policy and run it immediately.
!Edit Policy_Exchange Instances configured_English.png!
In the _Edit Policy_ window, click the *Save* button for your changes to take effect.
3. Click on the "Save" button for your changes to take effect.
4. Once the policy completes successfully, you will be able to restore your MS Exchange.
!Save button.png!
4. Once the Policy completes successfully, you will be able to restore your MS Exchange.
4. Once the Policy completes successfully, you will be able to restore your MS Exchange.
If the Exchange Server has files across more than one device then the "Multi-Volume Snapshot" option must be selected on the "Advanced Policy Settings" tab. Failure to select "Multi-Volume Snapshot" will cause an alert to occur.
If the Exchange Server has files across more than one device then the *Multi-Volume Snapshot* check box must be selected on the _Advanced Policy Settings_ tab. Failure to select *Multi-Volume Snapshot* will cause an alert to display.