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From the Reports screen, you can:
* Add a new report by clicking the \*\+ *+ New Report *button. Report* button.
* Click the *Actions* icon to display a list of actions that can be completed directly from the \_Reports _screen, _Reports_ screen, such as editing, previewing, or deleting the report.
* {color:#35383d}Search for specific reports or filter the displayed reports using advanced search criteria.{color}
* {color:#35383d}View a list of the reports added to the system.{color}
* {color:#35383d}View a list of the reports added to the system.{color}

Several options on this page allow you to:
- *Add a report*. Add a new report to the system by clicking the *\+ Add Report *button. the *+ New Report* button. When you click this button, the _Create New Report_ window displays, where you can define the report properties. For more information about adding a report, see [ServerBackupManager:Schedule email reporting]
- *Perform a basic search for reports*. You can perform a basic search for any of the available reports by entering the search criteria in the _Search_ field and clicking the *Search* button.
- *Apply advanced filters to the Reports list*. You can further customize the view of the Reports list and apply all possible advanced filter criteria. For more information about advanced search filters, see [ServerBackupManager:Customize the Reports list].
- *Apply advanced filters to the Reports list*. You can further customize the view of the Reports list and apply all possible advanced filter criteria. For more information about advanced search filters, see [ServerBackupManager:Customize the Reports list].

h3. Reports list