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Data Center Console (DCC) is designed to provide a centralized monitoring and management domain over a large collection of CDP Servers. After [installing|Installing Data Center Console on Windows] the Console, customers may [add|Adding CDP Servers to the Data Center Console] each of their Advanced and Enterprise Edition CDP Servers via a convenient registration panel within DCC's administration web application. Once added, each CDP Server will continuously update Console's [Dashboard|Using Data Center Console Dashboard] with information about its configuration and status.

DCC also allows users to "drill down" to any of the connected CDP Servers to manage their configuration or view some particular details. This process is done in a convenient way using a special quick access bar.

Data Center Console provides domain level user and group management. You can add [Users|Creating Data Center Console Users] and [Groups|Creating Data Center Console User Groups], define their permissions, and then use their credentials to log in to any connected CDP Server. All created users and groups are "pushed down" to the CDP Servers, allowing customers to centralize user administration across the domain.

Data Center Console also allows you to create and manage CDP objects such as [Disk Safes|CDP3:Creating Disk Safes in Data Center Console], [Volumes|CDP3:Creating Volumes in Data Center Console] and [Agents|CDP3:Creating Agents in Data Center Console].
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* [Enterprise Edition|]
* [Advanced Edition|]

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[!user_guide.png!||CDP Data Center Console User Guide]

[!lin_get_st.png!||Linux CDP Data Center Console Getting Started Guide]

[!win_get_st.png!||Windows CDP Data Center Console Getting Started Guide]

[!admin_guide.png!||CDP Data Center Console Admin Guide]


{excerpt:hidden=true}Data Center Console (DCC) is designed to provide a centralized monitoring and management domain over a large collection of CDP Servers. {excerpt}