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To schedule a replication for a Disk Safe, you need to create a *Policy* assigned to this Disk Safe. You can schedule recurring Policies or create one-time Policies. The Policy starts at the time you have specified in the Policy properties. The Policy properties include information about how may Recovery Points to keep in the Disk Safe.

The Data Protection Policy can include:
* *Scheduling* \- The process of creating a schedule is called scheduling. You can schedule the Policy to run at a time that is most convenient for you.
* *Recovery point retention rules* \- The rules that define how many recovery points to keep in the Disk Safe. Old Recovery Points are merged.
* *File/folder excludes* \- User-selected files and folders missed during replication. File mask (pattern) can be defined to exclude files.
* *Archiving*
* *MySQL configuration*

h5. Synchronization

Every time a backup job is run, a *Synchronization* is performed. During the synchronization process a point-in-time snapshot of the Disk Volume is created and Deltas are computed based on the last completed synchronization. The Deltas are block level and are usually computed at a level below the file system, very close to the raw disk structure. These Deltas represent the low level changes made to the disk volume since the last recovery point.

Actions over Policy:
* *Create / Schedule*
* *Edit*
* *Enable/Disable*
* *Run*
* *Delete*


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