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Below is a list of common questions specific to using CDP for Hosting Control Panels. Each question is linked to a document for further information.
* [What should I know about CDP for Hosting Control Panels?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels End-Users]
* [What is a Recovery Point?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels End-Users]
* [How do I access my Control Panel Account Backups?|Accessing Your Account Backups via Direct Link]
* [How do I access my Control Panel Account Backups in cPanel?|Accessing Your Account Backups via cPanel Plugin]
* [How do I restore my user data?|Restoring Your Control Panel Account]
* [What is the frequency of Control Panel Backups?|CDP for Hosting Control Panels End-Users]

{excerpt:hidden=true}A list of common questions specific to using CDP for Control Panels.{excerpt}