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The following actions are available to customize the view of the [Archive Points list|Access archive points]:
* Hide/Show column
* Manage the number of items per page
* Sort the items in the list
* Filter the list
{info:title=Tip}You can use these functions to search for ("bubble up") the necessary items in the list.


h3. Hiding/Showing Columns

The columns can be hidden on the Archive Points list as well as on the Recovery Points list. See [Customize the Recovery Points list].

h3. Sorting the List

You can sort the Archive Points list in ascending or descending order based on a column's content. You also can sort the Recovery Points list in the same way. See [Customize the Recovery Points list].

h3. Managing Items Per Page

You can manage the number of items per page on the Archive Points list as well as on the Recovery Points list. See [Customize the Recovery Points list].

h3. Filtering the List {anchor:filter}

You can reduce the number of visible records in the Archive Points list using the Basic List Filter.

Filtered data displays only the records that meet criteria that you specify and hides records that you do not want displayed. Criteria are filter options you set to limit which records are included in the result view. You can use one or more filter options at once.

h4. Basic List Filter {anchor:basic}

Follow the instructions below to apply the Basic List Filter.

1. Click on "Basic List Filter" in the Recovery Points menu.

!Archive Points menu on the left_English.png!

2. The "Basic List Filter" window will be opened.

!Archive Points_Basic List Filter_English.png!

3. Define one or several filter options:
* *Type* \- Select this checkbox to filter Archive Points with different scheduling time (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.).
* *State* \- Select this checkbox to be able to define the filter options on the basis of the Archive Point State (Available/Deleted).
* *Created On* \- Select this checkbox if you know when the Archive Point was created.
** *Begin* \- Enter the date to search for the Archive Points which were created on and after this date.
** *End* \- Enter the date to search for the Archive Points which were created on and before this date.

By default, all States are checked and all Archived Points are displayed.

4. Click on "Filter" to apply the filter to the Archive Points List.

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to customize the Archive Points list in Server Backup Manager.