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After you have copied the Backup Manager public key to the Backup Agent, you can add this machine to your Backup Manager. For more information about copying the Backup Manager public key to the Backup Agent, see [Add the key to Windows Backup Agent], and [Add key to Linux Backup Agent].

To add a protected machine, click *Protected Machines* in the Main Menu to access the _Protected Machines_ page. Then, click the *+ New Machine* button.

!Add New Machine button.png!

The _New Machine_ page displays, where you can enter the details of the machine, backup location, backup schedule, retention details, and more.

!New Machine excerpt.png|width=1024,height=581!
To continue adding a Protected Machine on the _New Machine_ page, refer to the instructions listed on the [ServerBackupManager:Backup Now] page.

Instructions on how to add a protected machine to your Backup Manager.{excerpt}