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Server Backup Manager allows you to protect SQL Server installed on the server. This function allows you to take a snapshot. Because Backup Manager uses the VSS Exchange writer, it ensures data integrity and consistency during the backup operation.

You can find a list of supported editions in the _Databases_ section of [ServerBackupManager:System Requirements].

The following Backup Manager interface elements help you protect your SQL Server:

* The SQL tab in the Policy window
* The SQL tab in the Task History
* The *SQL* action in the Recovery Points list

Here is a collection of pages devoted to protecting MS SQL databases.

* [Configure MS SQL server replication]
* [Restore an MS SQL Server to the original location]
* [Restore an MS SQL Server to an alternate location]

{excerpt:hidden=true}General information about work with MS SQL Server database(s) in your Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}