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{note:title=Notice:}The standard syslog location for Debian / Ubuntu systems : /var/log/syslog
The standard syslog location for RHEL / CentOS systems : /var/log/messages{note}

h3. *Redirecting server.log output to syslog*

The Backup Manager's server.log file contains startup and operational messages, such as t{color:#000000}ask info, user logins, Backup / Restore / Verification task info etc...{color}

{color:#000000}Logging configuration for server.log is located here : {color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}usr{color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}sbin{color}{color:windowtext}/r1soft/conf/ {color}{color:#000000} {color}

{color:#000000}The section containing the log output destination looks like this by default : {color}
{code}# 3 defined output destination for logs are console, log file and unix syslog. Appenders for 3 have been defined as
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.
# To enable logging to any of the 3 destinations, add corresponding appender to below configuration separated by coma.
# e.g to log to console as well as log file, make it log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE, STDOUT
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE {code}

h4. {color:#000000}To redirect server.log output to{color} {color:#000000}{*}ONLY{*}{color} {color:#000000}syslog{color} {color:#000000}, set the log destination options like this example, in{color}
{code}# 3 defined output destination for logs are console, log file and unix syslog. Appenders for 3 have been defined as
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.
# To enable logging to any of the 3 destinations, add corresponding appender to below configuration separated by coma.
# e.g to log to console as well as log file, make it log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE, STDOUT
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, SYSLOG {code}
{color:#000000}Save and exit the file, and restart the Backup Manager service.{color}

h4. {color:#000000}To redirect server.log output to{color} {color:#000000}{*}BOTH server.log and{*}{color}{color:#000000}* *{color}{color:#000000}syslog{color} {color:#000000}, set the log destination options like this example, in{color}
{code}# 3 defined output destination for logs are console, log file and unix syslog. Appenders for 3 have been defined as
# STDOUT, LOGFILE and SYSLOG. Logging to log file is enabled by default.
# To enable logging to any of the 3 destinations, add corresponding appender to below configuration separated by coma.
# e.g to log to console as well as log file, make it log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE, STDOUT
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, LOGFILE, SYSLOG {code}
{color:windowtext}Save and exit the file, and restart the Backup Manager service. {color}{color:#000000} {color}

h4. To redirect server.log output to an external or central log host


{color:windowtext}Configure the {color}{color:windowtext}rootLogger{color}{color:windowtext} as explained above, and then update the following line in to reflect the hostname or IP of the central log host.{color}


{color:#000000}It's also possible to specify a custom port  by appending :PORT to the end of the line.{color}


{color:windowtext}Save and exit the file, and restart the Backup Manager service. {color}{color:#000000} {color} 


{color:windowtext}Typically these steps are sufficient to successfully send the server.log output to syslog. {color}{color:windowtext}If after making the change listed above, the server.log output is not being sent to syslog (or if only startup messages are being sent), some additional configuration may be necessary to redirect the complete log. {color}{color:windowtext} {color}{color:windowtext}In most cases, this is because the UDP receiver may not be enabled. This option p{color}{color:windowtext}rovides the ability to receive syslog messages via UDP.{color}{color:windowtext} {color}

{color:windowtext}This option can be enabled in  : {color}{color:windowtext} /{color}{color:windowtext}etc{color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}rsyslog.conf{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext}Add or uncomment the following lines:{color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{code}$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514 {code}
{color:windowtext}Save and exit the file, and restart the {color}{color:windowtext}rsyslog{color}{color:windowtext} service for the changes to take effect. {color}{color:#000000} {color}
{note}NOTE : In some cases, additional configuration to firewall and/or SELinux rules may be necessary. {note}

h3. *Redirecting monitor.log output to syslog*

The Backup Manager's monitor.log file contains port bindings, Tomcat Web Server messages, Java and resource messaging ..etc.

{color:#000000}Logging configuration for monitor.log is located here : {color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}usr{color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}sbin{color}{color:windowtext}/r1soft/conf/{color}{color:windowtext}server.conf{color}{color:#000000} {color}

h4. {color:windowtext}{+}To direct monitor.log output to syslog : +{color}{color:windowtext}+ +{color}

{color:windowtext}Edit /{color}{color:windowtext}usr{color}{color:windowtext}/{color}{color:windowtext}sbin{color}{color:windowtext}/r1soft/conf/{color}{color:windowtext}server.conf{color}{color:windowtext} , and change the following line : {color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{color:windowtext} {color}

{color:windowtext}Save and exit the file, and restart the Backup Manager service. {color}{color:windowtext} {color}
{note}{color:#000000}NOTE : When restarting the Backup Manager, it's always good practice to enable{color} {color:#000000}[Maintenance Mode|ServerBackupManager:Manager Options]{color}{color:#000000}, and allow all running tasks to complete before restarting the service.{color} {note}